Monday, November 15, 2010


An Apostle is a chalice full of Jesus which overflows
into souls.
-- Taken from "I Believe in Love"

Ministry is a is a call that only God can call us to.
It is not easy at all. Anyone who has ever been in ministry will always tell you that they were called to it. There life is surrendered and there heart humbled. Humbled that Our Lord would work in them. Would call them to greater holiness by completely forgetting themselves in the service of others. That is ministry. It is awesome that people think that you did a great job, but you did not do a great job you were obedient to Christ who lives and breathes within you. HE DID A GREAT JOB...HE IS AWESOME...YOU MY FRIENDS ARE WILLING. That is true ministry and service.

Like Saint Paul says, “it is not longer I, but Christ that lives in me.” That means that if he lives in you...He acts in you! And if he acts in you, then that is in all areas of your life, not just the areas you let him. You guys want to do service, you guys want to do ministry--start in your homes, circle of friends, in your relationships. Allow Christ to act through the Eucharist you receive on Sundays. That is your fuel for the journey of your week. His words in scripture, words of encouragement when Satan tries to tell us we can’t, prayer is us pouring our hearts out to the one that knows our heart!

Ministry is the overflow of that relationship with God to others. If that relationship is not there, it cannot be given to others either.
Work on the relationship with Jesus and see what overflow comes. Allow him to walk with you through the trials of your life, the fire of his love will be what burns off all the impurities and leaves you with exactly what you will need...It is all gift...all of it!! Nothing is a mistake. And when God allows someone else to do something and not you, be grateful--that is a gift as well--the gift of humilty. The gift of humility comes to our lives to draw us closer to Christ...when we are humbled by a disapointment or people in our lives, our Lord is saying, “Come closer to me and rest your head upon my Sacred Heart.” He longs for you--Give him everything--so that he can give you everything!!!

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