Monday, November 15, 2010


Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church. (Col 1:24)

Suffering, why must we do so? I mean we live in a world filled with comforts and medicines and all sorts of goods. Why must we suffer then? What is so important about us suffering? I think that we suffer so as to feel. I always think about the fact that in a long time in my life I did nothing but try to dodge suffering and by that I mean I could not embrace it. It was there, I just had a hard time accepting that I had to be the one to go through it. Why me? That was the question I asked and the question that most people ask in that situation. Why? I began reading about the lives of the saints. I love the saints because they are saints so that we know that it is possible to be as well! As i read about them I noticed that they were not void of suffering. In fact, they suffered greatly and intensely and always with a smile! Why? They realized for themselves that there suffering was not a punishment. I think that is what most of us feel when we suffer, what did i do to get here? Am I paying for something that I have done?
A punishment is something that is given for wrongs done. Suffering is pain, it’s unpleasant, but it is not necessarily given for wrong done, but rather for strength that necessary for the journey ahead.

Christ said, “to much is given much is to be expected.” This rings true in suffering. Why are the saints filled with joy at there suffering because they have been given much strength to endure it. “I can do all things in Christ who has strengthened me.” Amen. Ain’t that the truth. I know when I try to do things on my own nothing seems to work out. That is because i am trying to produce a particular outcome. The outcome being that I will not die or have to go through anymore of the suffering. The fact is we our powerless over our sufferings. The only thing that we can control is the way that we perceive it.

Suffering, if we allow it to be can and will be an asset to us. We must embrace our trials for they will be our strengths in the long run. As Christ said in Luke 24, “Was it not necessary for the son of man to suffer and die so he could enter into His glory.” That is it, the Glory; the resurrection, the hope! But before we rise, we must learn to die.

Christ must be put back on the cross so that we can remember what was done for us, that we may always be grateful and that we may long to share in the pains that Christ Himself endured for you and me.

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